Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can't help being Carreyed away!

One of my biggest entertainers on the Hollywood movie arena has been Jim Carrey.
I wasn't much into these movies earlier, but quite catching up with them for the past few months, I landed up admiring this amusing character while I was browsing through the set of channels on TV one weekend, and stumbled upon Bruce Almighty.

Bruce Almighty, I should admit, is the best one that I have seen of him till now. I never miss it even if I had watched it for half-a-dozen times by then.
Though I haven't watched much of his movies - just a few being Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar, The Truman Story and bits-and-pieces of Dumb and Dumber.
His movies might appear quite monotonous to many, due to similar kind of comic scenes that he's into and the way his role ends up, but that's the main factor which has grown on me.

His movies that usually start with the bumpy comic scenes with his, have few emotional/self-realization scenes at the end that makes up for a pleasant closure.

He has been quite a difference compared to what is usually churned out of Hollywood.

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